Essential Phone PH-1 white DSC03167

The third Oreo beta for the Essential Phone is now available to download

As has been the tradition for the last few months, Essential held its latest monthly AMA over on Reddit, where the company answered a myriad of issues. While Chris was excited to see that Essential will be improving touch and latency on the PH-1, the company also introduced the latest Android Oreo beta for the device.

While this update doesn’t bring the fixes for latency issues, it does include some pretty important security updates. Most notably, the PH-1 is now updated to the January security patch, which includes fixes for the Spectre and Meltdown exploits, while also including a few smaller bug fixes.

Unfortunately, we are still waiting to hear on a final release date for Essential Phone owners looking for Android Oreo. Instead, the company stated that it is working on the final logistics before releasing Oreo to all owners of the PH-1.

If you are already a part of Essential’s beta program, you should be receiving an OTA update which will bring your device to software version OPM1.170911.254. The OTA comes in at around 106MB, but if you want to get started with the Oreo beta with this latest update, you’ll be looking at an update that comes in around 1GB. 

If you want to download the software update for yourself, hit the button below to head over to the Essential website and get your device updated with the latest and greatest version of Android. Let us know if you have run into any issues with this update and if you’re excited to see the final version of Oreo released.

Download Essential Oreo Beta
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