Pixel XL vs Pixel 2 XL DSC03363

You have 30 days to send in your trade-in phone to get Pixel discount

If you purchased a Pixel 2 or Pixel 2 XL, you may have noticed the ability to trade-in an old phone for a discount. There was some confusion about the details of the trade-in offer. The terms say the trade-in price is only good if they receive your phone within 30 days. But when does the countdown start?

Originally, Google said it was 30 days from initiating the order. In the case of the Pixel 2 pre-orders, that means you’ll only get half of that time by the time the phone actually arrives. So Google has clarified that you will have 30 days after you receive the phone. This includes pre-orders made on October 4th.

The extra 2 weeks may not seem like a big deal, after all, 2 weeks should be plenty of time to ship a phone. But you never know what life is going to throw your way. Having the full 30 days is nice.

[via droid-life]

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