
T-Mobile will begin capping Mobile Without Borders perk to 5GB on Nov 12th

T-Mobile is nerfing their “Mobile Without Borders” perk where US customers enjoyed the same 4G LTE data plan whenever they traveled to Mexico or Canada. A newly revised Mobile Without Borders plan will go into effect on November 12th and now caps all roaming data usage in Canada and Mexico to 5GB for T-Mobile ONE, Simple Choice North America, and legacy rate plans.

Once a T-Mobile customer hits their cap, they’ll then experience slower data speeds (the same speeds as the Simply Global perk): 128kbps for most plans or 256kbps if on a T-Mobile ONE Plus plan.

So why the sudden change? T-Mobile says it’s to “prevent usage beyond the intent of the product” which apparently only affects less than 1% of their customers who even take advantage of the border hopping perk. In any case, it’s a pretty big difference from enjoying unlimited data when away from your home country to 5GB. Can’t imagine everyone will be too happy with this move.

T-Mobile Support (Mobile Without Borders) via Droid-Life

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