
Google’s Trusted Contacts app gets ability to schedule location updates


Google’s Trusted Contact app released last year and provided an easy way for those you trust to see your last known location by pinging you through the app. Now it looks like the most recent update to the app brought the ability to schedule SMS updates to your trusted contacts, based on your last known location.

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Now instead of passively sharing your location or only on specific requests, you can set up Trusted Contacts to send your last known location to anyone at a specific time. That’s great for anyone who likes to send an SMS when they’re leaving or arriving at a specific location, like the office or the airport.

The best part is that the app will send your last known location regardless of whether your phone has a signal or has been powered on, since the location is sent by Google through the cloud. Sending your current location will always require that your phone is on and connected to the network, however. This is a feature that people have been using apps like Tasker to set up for years now, so it’s nice to see it included by default in the Trusted Contacts app.

To check out Trusted Contacts, hit the button below.

Get Trusted Contacts
Writer, gamer, and classical music whistler. I have an undying love of indie games and unique apps.

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