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Android Oreo will have system-wide theme support without root

One of the biggest reasons why people love Android is choice. You can make your phone look however you want with thousands of different customization options to choose from. Some OEMs, such as Samsung, HTC, and LG, allow you to theme the entire system. This has never been a stock feature of Android, but it looks like that’s about to change.

Substratum is a popular theme engine in the modding community. It offers a centralized location to find and install themes on a wide variety of devices. The catch is you have to be rooted or using certain devices. The folks over at XDA have discovered that Substratum themes work in Oreo without root.

The developers of Substratum discovered that they could use themes in Oreo without root access. This is thanks to the Sony theme engine that Google acquired a few years ago. The catch is you have to connect your phone to a desktop app. But it’s not too difficult to get running. This is pretty cool if you love stock Android and themes.

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