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HTC Vive gets a $200 price cut

The HTC Vive was notoriously meaty in the price tag category at launch. That was for good reason, of course, with the general consensus being that it was the stronger, more capable product compared to the Oculus Rift.

But still, a $200 premium was a bit hard for some folks to swallow, and HTC looks to be making it a bit easier. The HTC Vive goes from $799 to $599 in what figures to be a permanent price drop.

That’s still $200 more than you can currently get the cheapest Oculus Rift + Touch bundle (that gap will shrink to $100 after the summer Oculus sale ends), but HTC is betting on the sheer technological advantage it has over the Oculus Rift, including full-room motion and space sensor tracking and an integrated camera system to make for better immersion in games.

Don’t forget that qAll Vive purchases come with a free trial to Viveport Subscription, where you can choose up to 5 titles per month to experience, and copies of VR apps and games like Google’s Tilt BrushEverestVR, and Richie’s Plank Experience.

[via HTC]

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