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Samsung may beat Apple in quarterly profit for the first time

Apple has been known as the most impressive company in the tech space when it comes to raking in dollars. Not long ago, they were able to make more money in one quarter than any other company in the entire world has ever made.

Now, Samsung’s looking to reach a huge milestone in that respect, with analysts suggesting Samsung will earn a bigger profit than Apple in a quarter for the first time ever. Samsung is expected to bring in $11.5 billion compared to Apple’s $10.49 billion.

The numbers aren’t final just yet, though this seems to be a common consensus among analysts, according to CNBC.

This is a pretty big deal for Samsung, who less than a year ago was faced with a recall that had the potential to hurt their business big time. They had to sink $3 billion into taking care of the issue, and we can’t imagine the countless dollars that went toward image repair, quality assurance improvements, and what have you. The company is also coming off a pretty significant political scandal by South Korea’s standards.

So to come roaring back months later to make even more money than the most successful tech company in America is, simply put, impressive. Of course, not all of it can be attributed to the smartphone business, with Samsung being a pretty significant force in the TV, appliance, display, and semiconductor games. But it’s still impressive.

It’s a victory we imagine will be short lived, though. Apple hasn’t released their yearly iPhone update yet, and that tends to cause quite the surge in their revenue and profit numbers. But it shows Samsung has clout on the world stage of tech, and it’ll be hard for anyone else to compete with Apple as well as they’ve been able to over the years.

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