
OnePlus 3/3T Open Beta 10 introduces new launcher customizations

For those who don’t mind living on the bleeding edge of technology, a new software update is rolling out to those enrolled in the OnePlus 3/3T beta that brings with it new launcher customization options.

OnePlus Launcher v2.1 now officially supports dynamic icons for weather and calendar, and you can now see your most recently used apps in the first row of the app drawer. For apps that have recently been installed, they’ll be highlighted with a blue dot. You can see the rest of the changes in the official changelog below, including small UI changes and other improvements.

What’s new: Open Beta 10 (1.49 GB)

All new OnePlus Launcher v2.1

Other additions:


The update is available via OnePlus’ Open Beta and if you know your way around the Android recovery menu, can be flashed to your OnePlus 3/3T with relative ease. For more, check out OnePlus’ Open Beta page here.

via OnePlus

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