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Google Glass updated to version XE23, brings support for Bluetooth input devices

It’s been a long time since we heard a peep from Google Glass. Like you, the failed consumer product was just almost completely wiped from our memory, resting in a device graveyard next to our Nexus Q. Imagine our surprise to find that — after nearly 3 years of silence — the headset is receiving a software update to version XE23.

The changelog is simple: “Glass can now be paired with Bluetooth input devices, including keyboards.”

That’s about it.

It’s actually a pretty nice update as the primary way to interact with Glass has always been focused on voice commands and actions. By opening up the device to Bluetooth keyboards (without the need for 3rd party applications), you could technically draft up your memoirs on the tiny screen without anyone else seeing what you’re doing. You know, productivity and all that. It’s probably not enough for me to dust off my pair and start wearing them around town again (I get laughed at enough without them), but it certainly crossed my mind.

Google Glass was always a compelling product, one I always felt the world simply wasn’t ready for. While I’d love to see newer, updated hardware, I’m sure those days are long behind Google. What a shame.

via Google Glass Help

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