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Project Fi’s ‘group repay’ makes it easier to pay your portion of the bill

Slowly but surely, Google is building Project Fi to become a reliable and viable carrier option in a world of carriers looking to take more out of your pocket. The carrier has already introduced its group plan options, but now Google is making it even easier for you to pay for your portion of the bill.

Group Repay is a new feature which will hopefully take the headache out of getting money from others on the plan. The premise is simple – every month, Google will take care of the calculations and then will send a bill reminder to each user, allowing the user to pay for their portion, a fixed amount, or for additional data used over their budget.

The owner of the account can also now set up customizable reminders based on the cost for each person’s plan, and integrates with Google Wallet to send money when its time. Finally, this group repay option will give the plan owner a breakdown of how much each line costs, while also showing when other users have paid or still owe on the plan.

This feature is available now and you can access it via the account billing section within the Settings. Let us know what you think about group repay and if you would like to see more options come to Project Fi.

[Google Blog]

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