YouTube VR update live chat rooms

YouTube VR update brings virtual rooms and live voice chat with others

Huge YouTube VR Updates

Engaging in virtual reality is typically a solitary experience. You strap on a headset and shut out the rest of the world while engaging in a virtual one. But some things in life are just better when sharing with other, be it games, music, or even just watching videos.

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In a big update headed to YouTube VR, Google announced they’ll be making it possible to socialize and watch videos with friends in virtual reality. It’s an interesting prospect, one that allows users to talk and share the experience in the same virtual room.

Users will be able to customize their on-screen avatars, where they’ll be viewable just below the video in a theater like setting. Don’t have friends? Google is also making it possible to join in on other popular videos with just a click so you can see what others are watching from the virtual front row.

Along with the newly announced ability to Cast to Daydream, Google is making VR more social than ever — and that’s a good thing. You can expect the all new YouTube VR to launch later this year.

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