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T-Mobile now automatically blocks scam callers

You’re sure to be a fan of T-Mobile’s latest network feature if you hate those shady scammers who manage to find your number and attempt to sell you fake services and goods. They’ve announced Scam ID, a new patent-pending technology that can automatically identify and block a scam caller before the call ever reaches your phone.

T-Mobile does this by analyzing and scanning calls for behavioral patterns and phone numbers likely to be scam calls. Once identified, you can either let the call come through and decide whether to answer or decline it, or you can have it so T-Mobile stops these calls from ever reaching your phone.

The beauty is that the feature works on every phone running on T-Mobile as all the magic happens at the network level. We’re not sure how accurate the service works and T-Mobile hasn’t mentioned whether there are any false positive rates to make it easier for consumers to opt for the automatic functions.

We’ll reach out to see if they have more to share in that regard, but we’re intrigued nonetheless. Look out for Scam ID and Scam Block to roll out starting April 5th.

[via T-Mobile]

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