forums android play store

PSA: Tapatalk support for our forums ends today

Last week, we told you about our decision to discontinue Tapatalk support in favor of our own custom Forums for Android app. You can read our full explanation for the decision here. In short, there are a number of things we want to do with the Forums app that we simply can’t do with Tapatalk. Support officially ends today.

We understand that some of you are disappointed by this decision, which is completely fine. It’s impossible to please everyone. All we ask is that you give the new Forums for Android app a try. It’s a well-designed app with many features you won’t find in Tapatalk. We think it’s a better experience for Android users. It might take some time for you to get used to it, but we think it deserves a fair shot.

If you do like the app, please show your support with a review in the Play Store. If you hate it, don’t just tell us you hate it. We’re constantly working on making the app better. Constructive criticism and suggestions from users are important to that process. Let us know what you think! And don’t forget to check out the newly revamped!

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