walleye muskie

Google Pixel 2 could be codenamed ‘walleye’ for the smaller model and ‘muskie’ for the XL

We’re not expecting Google to reveal any info on this year’s Pixel until at least around October and even though we’re still a good many months away from that, rumors about the devices have once again surfaced online. This time we have Android Police who may have already learned of Google’s code names for the devices: walleye and muskie.

The information has allegedly been collaborated by several of their sources, with references to “walleye” already being found in AOSP. Generally speaking, Google’s code names for their devices doesn’t really reveal much outside of their respective sizes (walleye being a much smaller fish than the muskie), so there’s a good chance we could be looking at another round of small and XL sizes this year.

[Android Open Source Project]

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