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You can sign up for Google I/O tickets starting February 22nd

After CES and Mobile World Congress, the biggest early year conference in mobile tech is usually Google I/O. Google is preparing for the show, and you should be making preliminary plans, but don’t go too crazy with booking airfare and lodging just yet.

You see, a while back, Google went from a first come, first serve system to a lottery based one. You sign up and pray that you get an email inviting you to buy a ticket.

The news today is that the sign-up window for this year’s developers’ conference will take place between February 22nd at 10AM Pacific and carrying through February 27th at 5PM Pacific. We’ll remind you once the day comes with a direct link to Google’s site, of course, so don’t fret.

We’re not sure how long after that it will take for you to find out whether you’ve been selected to buy a ticket, but we suppose those answers will come in due time. Start praying for good fortune!

[via Google]

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