Samsung-Galaxy-S7-Edge (7)

PSA: Galaxy S7’s Nougat update switches your display to 1080p; here’s how to revert it

The upgrade to Android 7.0 Nougat should bring a lot of goodies for Samsung Galaxy S7 users, but it could also bring an unwanted change that you may not be aware of.

That change will set your phone’s default resolution to 1080p instead of its maximum of 2560 x 1440. We’re not sure if the change was intentional, but if it is, it would mean Samsung is willing to downgrade users’ devices a little for the sake of improved performance and battery life.

While there’s very little difference for typical usage, those with eyes sensitive to the change or wanting more DPI for use in the Samsung Gear VR will obviously want the sharper resolution. Thankfully, you can easily change it back by heading to Settings > Display and finding the display resolution setting. Eureka!

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