Google Voice

Google prematurely asks users to try the ‘the new Google Voice’ before it’s live

Ever since Google went all-in on Hangouts, Google Voice has sort of been stuck in this weird state of limbo. It’s relied on too heavily by many users (those like me who have chosen to use the service as their primary phone number), but it’s obvious Google hasn’t been giving the service the attention it so desperately needs.

It seems Google is finally getting ready to take Google Voice off the back burner and cook up something good for users with something they’re calling “the new Google Voice.” So what is it? That part’s not immediately clear.

Users visiting their Google Voice inbox are being greeted by a banner at the top that says to “The new Google Voice is here,” followed by a big “TRY NOW” link. Unfortunately, the link — — doesn’t actually do anything, just refreshes the user’s inbox to the same crusty old version of Google Voice we’ve been using for years now. Go figure.

It’s obvious Google got a little ahead of themselves here, publishing the banner before the service has been made officially official. But if we were betting men, we’d put money on Google announcing something new for Google Voice any day now. The big question is whether Google is only planning for a new site redesign, or if this could also mean we’ll be seeing a completely overhauled app as well. *fingers crossed*

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