
Cheap Android phones are okay to use but may carry security risks

Almost a month ago, we learned of a Chinese spyware that was plaguing over 700 million smartphones. This spyware was able to read text messages, contact lists, location data, and then was being shared with servers in China. Now, a new vulnerability has been discovered in low-cost Android phones which may download and install apps you’ve never heard of.

According to a blog post published by antivirus provider, Doctor Web, there are at least 26 different smartphones that have some sketchy software preinstalled. The software named Android.DownLoader.473.origin, can download various applications, including apps which can infect devices.

The problem with the software is that whenever a user goes to uninstall the application, it quickly reinstalls and reappears on your device. Many of the affected devices come from manufacturers we have never heard of, but that doesn’t mean that you should just shrug this off.

Here’s a list of the 26 affected devices:

There is another type of malware making its rounds on the Lenovo A319 and Lenovo A6000 which comes encrypted on the devices. This downloader, named Android.Sprovider.7, essentially downloads various files to your device and when acted upon, will make phone calls on your device or show ads on top of other applications.

This finding is nowhere near as large as the one that was found last month, but it still iterates the fact that these smaller OEMs don’t keep your security in mind when releasing devices. Of course, if money talks, then there’s not much else you can do, but be sure to do your research before purchasing budget smartphones.

[Doctor Web]

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