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European Galaxy Note 7 users will receive an update to limit battery capacity to 30%

Today’s been a busy day for Samsung and Galaxy Note 7 owners. The company released a statement which claims it will be sending an update to owners of the recalled device which would remove the ability to connect to a mobile network.

This sparked a response from Verizon as the carrier announced it would not be releasing the update in fear of users not being able to contact loved ones or emergency personnel. Now, it seems those in Europe will be receiving an update, but this one’s a bit different.

According to BBC, Samsung will also be pushing an update to Galaxy Note 7 owners, but the update will only limit the battery capacity to 30%. This is a strange announcement considering those in Canada and the US will receive an update which renders the device as a paper-weight.

The report also claims that about 10% of users in Europe have yet to return the device, which is prompting the new update to be released. The update is scheduled to be released on December 15th, and will hopefully encourage users to replace their device.

With Verizon planning to block the update from being released to US owners of the Note 7, it will be interesting to see if Samsung changes course.


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