Samsung Galaxy A3 A5 DSC07911

Is this really the Samsung Galaxy A5 2017? [VIDEO]

The Galaxy A5 2017 refresh has been rumored in the past, with our first look at the device’s supposed all-metal body back in September. Now a video has surfaced on YouTube that appears to showcase the device in the wild.

Neil Potgieter uploaded the video to his channel, stating that the phone runs Android 6.0.1, features a 1080p display, 3GB of RAM, two 16 megapixel cameras on the rear and front and an octa-core ARMv8 chip.

Potgieter says he’s been using the device for a week now and says it’s not a bad phone, but he notes that despite the similar appearance to the Galaxy S7, the phone’s performance is nowhere near that level. He mentions input lag when quickly swiping between pages in the app drawer and during typing when the touchscreen will stop accepting input for a while until it catches up. It sounds like common symptoms found in Samsung’s mid-range devices.

Potgieter says these issues may be related to the test build he’s on for the phone and may not appear in the final build, but we still have no idea when that will be. Despite that, it’s nice to go from seeing concept backs for a phone to the full device in just two months.

What do you think of the Galaxy A5 2017?

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