Samsung-Galaxy-S7-Edge (12)

Samsung adds a blue light filter to its Galaxy S7 Nougat beta build

Samsung-Galaxy-S7-Edge (12)

One of the best features of the Nougat developer preview that didn’t make it into the final build for the Android 7.0 release is a system-wide Night Mode that offered a dark theme and a blue light filter to make using your device at night a lot less hurtful for your eyes.

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Despite that feature being removed, Samsung included a blue light filter on its Galaxy Note 7 device and it looks like it’ll be doing the same with the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, now that the Galaxy Note 7 is out of the picture. A redditor has posted some screenshots from the Galaxy S7 Nougat beta to show off the feature.

As you can see it’s much the same as what was offered on the Galaxy Note 7, featuring a custom scheduler that you can set up with hours of your own. It also includes a sunrise schedule, so you can have the blue light filter follow the sun according to where you live in the world.
This is a pretty handy alternative to apps like Twilight and CF Lumen.

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