Project Fi DSC09807

New Project Fi update now shows which apps are using the most data

Project Fi is getting an update that should make it easier to spot when apps are misbehaving with your data allotment on the service. A community manager recently posted to the service’s subreddit to let customers know that users running Android N and at least version K.2.7.20 will see some changes to the Project Fi app.

According to that community rep, this new version of the app will bring live updates as you use data. The data will be fresh on both the main screen of the app and the widget. Aside from that, you’ll be able to see a per-app usage breakdown in the “View Details” for both the current cycle and recent statements.

No rollout time was given for the estimated update, but some users are reporting in the thread that the service isn’t available on their device yet. You’ll have to update the Project Fi app on your phone to see if you’ve got the new update and remember, you’ll need to be on Nougat.

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