
Google teams up with a few YouTube stars for its latest Pixel commercials [VIDEO]


Google is definitely pulling no punches when it comes to the Pixel and Pixel XL. The company has been advertising the new devices all over the place and has been doing so since it announced the Pixel event for October 4th. There are also some reports that Google has already spent upwards of $3 million ahead of the release. However, there are even more ads being released by the company on a regular basis.

This time, Google has partnered with 3 different YouTube stars to showcase different features of the Pixel and Pixel XL. Todrick Hall, Alisha Marie, and Connor Franta are the stars of these latest ads and give everyone a deeper look at the capabilities of Google’s new phones.

The first ad, titled The Perfect Piece, follows Todrick Hall as he creates a brand new jacket from scratch with the help of nothing more than Google Assistant. The ad shows that you can easily search your Google Photos library, quickly open Google Maps, and more.

The next ad focuses on the camera of the Pixel and is called Glamping. Google is already seemingly proud of its camera within the Pixel and Pixel XL after receiving the highest rating from DxOMark for smartphone cameras. The ad shows off the 4K recording capabilities, optical image stabilization, and reminds Pixel owners that they will receive unlimited video and picture storage through Google Photos.

The final ad is called “Puppies!” and doesn’t really focus on the Pixel’s capabilities, as it does the ease of use that comes with Google’s new video-calling service, Duo. The ad goes through and shows the different features of Duo and the fact that it works with both Android and iOS devices without compatibility issues.

This isn’t the last that we’ve heard from Google in terms of the Pixel and Pixel XL, as we are expecting the ad campaign to continue on with full steam. We’ll see who Google partners with next, but it’s definitely awesome to see so much fanfare for the latest devices from the Big G.



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