
Google releases yet another promo for the Pixel [VIDEO]

Google is really ramping up its advertising skills (and budget) for the Pixel and Pixel XL. Last year, there were a few commercials here and there for the Nexus, but nothing on the magnitude that we’re seeing with this year’s batch of smartphones.

A few days ago, the company released two new promo videos, and they have now released yet another one. This one titled, “Pose by You”, starts out with the search bar that was introduced with the teaser for the Pixel, expands into a phone while focusing on a dog. Once fully expanded, the commercial shows the same dog set as a wallpaper on the silver version of the Pixel.

Although this commercial doesn’t really have much of a purpose in terms of trying to sell people on the Pixel and Pixel XL, it’s definitely another testament to a culture change regarding Google’s flagship devices. Do you see this as a good thing for Google to do, or should they focus on making these commercials about the devices?

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