
Drippler ruins app with “Digital Assistant” update (and 2 alternatives to download)


Drippler users updating to version 3.0 will be gravely disappointed in the app’s direction as the company has adopted a Google Assistant style chatbot, nicknamed “Wiz”, for all your tech support needs. There are just two main problems:

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  • Wiz doesn’t seem to know a dang thing
  • You’re then asked to “buy” a monthly package for better support

No thanks, Drippler!

If you miss Drippler’s curated Android news, try downloading EarlyBird – News for Android. And if you’re looking for tech support for your phone and apps/games (without paying monthly for a hipster chatbot), download Channels – Forums for Android. Both apps are owned by our parent company, Neverstill Media.

We have been fans of Drippler in the past, but the latest update showcases a few dangerous moves any tech company can make.

Blindly Chasing Trends

At the Google Pixel event, Sundar Pichai said that the future has moved from “mobile” to “artificial intelligence”, a way to explain the company’s love affair with their new product- Google Assistant.


Drippler’s “Tech Assistant” feels like a carbon copy knockoff, personalized with a cartoony mascot to make it seem like you’re talking to an actual entity. The problem? Google is home to the world’s largest treasure chest of information, has the largest and smartest team of engineers to systematically unlock that information, and even Google’s product feels somewhat elementary. Ask “Giz” almost anything and you feel like you’re talking to a wall.

This achieves the opposite of the intended effect… but it gets worse.

Following the money

It seems Drippler already had a solid monetization strategy, infusing tech-focused sponsored stories into their news feed. They were non-intrusive, fit the theme of the app, jived with the interest of readers, and seemed to work well. Management and angel investors must not have liked the results, seeking additional revenue in the form of premium monthly subscriptions.

That’s a great idea and potentially lucrative idea, in theory, but Drippler messed up by pushing the new feature too hard, too fast.

Over Promise, Under Deliver

You know the old adage, “Under promise, over deliver,” right? The new Drippler does just the opposite. You’re introduced to the app with a wonderfully simple onboarding process that claims the app will fulfill all your tech needs, but when you start asking questions, you’re pushed to a sales pitch every. single. time.

Update: it seems Drippler has temporarily buried the option for Premium Subscriptions due to extremely negative feedback, including a flood of 1-star Google Play Store Reviews and articles like this.

Most successful subscription services work because the user gets something free and enjoys it so much, they want more and are willing to pay for it. In Drippler’s case, the subscription is shrouded in the uncertainty of a self-proclaimed groundbreaking digital genius-bot who seems to know nothing, so for what exactly are you paying?

Nobody knows… and so nobody will.

The Alternatives

We hope Drippler returns to their trusty blue driplet, but until/unless they do, you may be looking for a go to source for Android News and Android Help. Thankfully, we’ve been working hard on 2 new apps that deliver these specific solutions.

Android News – (EarlyBird)

This app is like the Tinder of Android News, with community voting to create a trending news list, and the ability to follow specific topics and get notifications for any related updates. It’s been getting continually high praise on the Google Play Store and shows no signs of slowing down.

EarlyBird Play Store

Download EarlyBird

Android Help – Channels

This app will automatically detect your phone and the apps and games you’ve got on it, creating discussion forums for each so you can have conversations with like-minded device owners and users. Start conversations, get notifications of replies, and get the most out of Android through 1-on-1 discussions about everything from support and troubleshooting, to tips and tricks, to product and accessory reviews and suggestions.

Channels Play Store

Download Channels
We hope you enjoy these two apps and Drippler team – if you’re listening – please drop the Tech Assistant and return to your roots!

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Have you downloaded the Drippler update, EarlyBird, and/or Channels? Love them or hate them?

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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