
Oculus may be causing extreme battery drain on Samsung phones, here’s how to fix it


Do you have a Samsung Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge that is refusing to keep a solid charge? If so, you’re not alone. Reports have flown in of battery life being excessively drained, with some folks suggesting they lost 70% capacity in under 3 hours’ time.

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Well, the culprit seems to be the Oculus app that brings the new Oculus Rooms feature. Apparently, the app gets stuck in an infinite installation cycle where the app is constantly downloaded and reinstalled. That’ll suck your battery very dry. It’s not yet known if the issue is affecting devices other than the Samsung Galaxy S7, but if you’re experiencing the issues then here’s what you’ll want to do:

  1. Go to Settings > Applications > Application Manager
  2. Scroll to “Oculus“, and select Uninstall or Disable
  3. If “Oculus Rooms” is still installed, it’s recommended you follow the steps to uninstall that, too.

We’re not yet sure if Samsung is aware of the issue, but we’ll be contacting them to see if they are, and if a fix is already in the works. In the meantime, if you want to enjoy VR content without having your phone die in 2 minutes then be sure to find out how you can use your Samsung Gear VR without having Oculus load up automatically and check out all the Made for Cardboard content on Google Play.

[via Reddit]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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