youtube gaming

YouTube Gaming 1.7 update now rolling out to all users

YouTube Gaming version 1.7 just went live in the Google Play Store and it contains some interesting interface updates and a new easter egg for you to discover. The first major change is the chat UI has been completely redesigned in multiple areas, making it easier to keep track of what the audience is saying, especially in overlay mode. Here’s a quick peek at the new look:

If you prefer to keep your chat below the screen while you watch your favorite streams, that interface has gotten a facelift, too. The chat bar has been moved to the bottom of the app and when you click it, a nice animation brings up the chat and hides the Details and Suggested portions of the app.

There’s a new easter egg for the app, too. The long-running tradition for the app is to feature new easter eggs based on popular gaming franchises throughout history. This version’s easter egg alphabet letter is H, so it’s no surprise that the folks behind the app decided to honor Half-Life with their newest easter egg.

Games bearing the Half-Life name have special orange branding, featuring the iconic Lambda from the series as well.

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