
Watch Sony Xperia X Compact’s camera stop motion like a boss

Once upon a time, smartphone photography wouldn’t dare be used to capture moments where fast-paced movement was the norm. Photos would come out extremely blurry and make for a garbage shot.

But times are changing. Boy, are they changing. Just take a look at this series of photos taken with the Xperia X Compact’s camera. The photos were taken at a race track by an Xperia X Compact user, and as you can see, there’s almost no blur to be had thanks to its aptly-advertised fast shutter capabilities.

You can even see the spokes in the wheel as the racers zoom around the track (though I’d personally prefer those spokes by blurred in my photography to communication the speedy nature of it).

A bonus photo of a dog catching a frisbee also does well to showcase its good qualities.

The camera does seem to make some sacrifices in overall sharpness to achieve this, but if your first priority is to capture the action then mission accomplished. What do you think?

[via Xperia Blog]

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