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Snapchat is ending its “Local Stories for Cities” in favor of Live Events

Snapchat is getting rid of its Local Stories section within the “Discover” tab. Local Stories was introduced as a way for other users to get a feel for what was going on in other big cities such as New York City and Los Angeles. The company has decided to nix the project and move forward by focusing on live events such as 4th of July celebrations and the Super Bowl.

A small number of Local Story curator positions were eliminated in our Los Angeles and New York offices, as the result of changes to our Local Story Coverage. We’re thankful for the contributions from these team members.

– Snapchat

According to a statement from Snapchat, the 15 local curators have lost their jobs due to the new changes and won’t be working in another division within the company. It seems that the biggest reason why Snapchat is making these changes is due to the lack of popularity, with users opting to view the other snaps or stories that are included within the Discover section.

We’re sad to see you go, but with the number of different stories within Snapchat now, it’s a move that makes sense. Hopefully, Snapchat can return with something new and awesome in the future, but for now, you’ll just have to rely on your friends to let you know what’s going on in other cities.


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