
Will Apple diss Samsung’s exploding Galaxy Note 7 in today’s iPhone 7 event?

Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 debacle has been well documented. It all started with a single exploding phone which gave way to global recall rumors that proved to be true. Sales of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 are currently suspended and the company is offering a replacement device for all owners. It’s gotten so bad that the FAA has considered banning the device from flights.

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The disaster could be magnified today as the world awaits Apple’s iPhone 7 event. Considering the confrontational history between Apple and Samsung, we’re fully expecting Tim Cook or another Apple presenter to take a pot shot or two at Samsung’s gravely disappointing error. To attack Samsung at a time when Apple could potentially sway consumers to trade their faulty Note 7 in for a new iPhone 7 seems like obvious, low hanging fruit. Will Apple jump at the opportunity?

We think so, but they’ll most likely only do so in passing, never mentioning Samsung or the Galaxy Note 7 by name but instead making thinly veiled references at the dangers and unreliability of a phone that may randomly explode.

Do you think Apple will diss Samsung in today’s event? What will they say and how will Samsung respond?

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