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Sprint halts all sales of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Samsung is in a lot of hot water surrounding the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 and its exploding batteries. The company has released a statement where it has found a “battery cell issue” with the device and is offering to replace current devices with a new one “over the coming weeks.”

We are working closely with Samsung to ensure those customers who already have purchased the device are taken care of. For those customers that previously purchased the Note 7 we will offer them a similar device until the issue is resolved. Customers should go to a nearby Sprint store to exchange their Note 7 device.

That isn’t stopping Sprint from acting now and in fact, the US carrier has halted all sales of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 until further notice. Sprint will offer other devices in place of the Galaxy Note 7, and will replace devices for current owners of the Note 7 until the issue is resolved. 

Samsung has already halted sales South Korea, while a global stoppage of sales is expected sometime over the weekend. This story is still developing, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more information as it becomes available.


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