Samsung Good Lock System UI DSC02153

Samsung Good Lock gets updated to v24.0.12 which adds support for the Galaxy Note 7

Samsung’s Good Lock application has just been updated to version 24.0.12 and this is no ordinary update. After releasing the Galaxy Note 7, some of you may have been wondering when Good Lock would support Sammy’s newest device, and that update has arrived. In addition to adding support for the Note 7, Samsung also made sure that you can still use the iris scanner to unlock your device if you want to.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


  • Supporting Note 7
  • Add option to include or not Keep notifications when using Backup
  • Supporting center aligned Clock Widget on Lockscreen
  • Display the status bar icons of categorized notifications into one category icon
  • Supporting Iris concept (Note 7)
  • Enhanced swipe up interaction of Widget List for closing it
  • Supporting Routine location radius setting
  • Add unlock animation of Lockscreen
  • Supporting option to remove or not Apps when remove all on list type Recent Apps

Other than the major changes listed above, Samsung also fixed a whole slew of bugs including the problematic “SystemUI restart” issues. Good Lock is one of the best add-ons that Samsung has released in recent memory, and its great to see that they are still committed to updating the app and keeping devices in the loop with help from the community.


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