Android 7.0 Nougat DSC00660

Google will be releasing its scheduled maintenances every quarter starting with v7.1

After pushing the final version of Android 7.0 Nougat, Google made the announcement that it would be releasing scheduled maintenances for Nexus devices. Other than just general bug fixes and performance improvements, it’s possible that we see add-ons such as AlloGoogle Assistant and the Nexus Launcher in these releases.

As for how Google plans to run the numbers on the software versions, an old friend provided us some details on that front. @evleaks tweeted out the version numbers for the next three updates to Android Nougat (v.7.1, v.7.1.1, v.7.1.2), and let everyone know they would be released quarterly.

Going forward, this will give us a better idea as to when Google will be releasing the latest versions of Android Nougat. This essentially takes the guess work out for the most part, short of knowing the specific dates. Of course, that’s not a reasonable expectation as things happen and bugs need to be squashed before rolling out to Nexus devices.

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