
Are you suffering from battery drain issues on Android Nougat? [POLL]


With all the cool new features that Android Nougat has to offer, there are bound to be some issues to overcome. One of the ways that Google improved upon Android Marshmallow is in regards to its battery-saver, Doze mode.

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For those unaware, Doze mode on Android Marshmallow is a way to save battery life by basically putting your phone to sleep. Think of it as your computer going to sleep automatically when it’s been sitting for too long. This puts all of your apps in the background and essentially idles your device.

With Android Nougat, Google improved upon Doze mode by putting your device in an even lower power usage mode while on the go. Meaning that if your device hasn’t been used in a certain period of time, even though you’re out and about, Doze mode will activate which will help the device get through an entire day.

It seems that this may have actually causes some issues as some of those who have upgraded to Android Nougat have voiced concerns over battery life. There was even a straw poll created with almost 1,200 entries which shows that almost half of those who took the poll have noticed a decrease in battery life since upgrading.

Battery life poll

So that leads us to the readers of Phandroid. We would like to know if you are experiencing battery life issues now that Android Nougat has been released, and it has been more than just a day or two. Either drop us a line below, or let us know via the poll so that we can get an idea as to your experiences.

[polldaddy poll=9507759]

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