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Verizon continues to dominate as the “best” overall US carrier with T-Mobile coming in 4th

There’s a reason why many of us continue to put with the shenanigans from Verizon Wireless, and that’s because of reports such as the one from RootMetrics. RootMetrics takes a look at all the major US carriers and ranks the carriers based on reliability, speed, data, call, and text.

Verizon ranked first overall in the findings, with AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile coming up short yet again. This marks the sixth consecutive time that Verizon has swept the other carriers in terms of the “RootScore Awards”. Across all 50 states, the only other carrier to win outright against Verizon was AT&T, while Big Red won 41 states and tied 7 times.

As for those other carriers, Sprint was seen to be the most improved when compared to 2015. Sprint has expanded its LTE coverage as well as improved reliability across the country. However, when looking at the awards for the call and text categories, Sprint’s performance slightly declined.

The big surprise here comes with T-Mobile. Big Magenta has been trying to make moves to not only make its customers happy in terms of being different from the other carriers, but also has touted the increased reliability of its network coverage. Unfortunately, T-Mobile’s results remained fairly similar to what was found in 2015.

We’ll have to see if any of these carriers can make a move to supplant Verizon and AT&T from the top 2 spots, but it surely isn’t looking too good. Maybe that merger between Sprint and T-Mobile would do some good to make some reliability improvements.

[via RootMetrics]

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