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Verizon starts field testing 5G data

Verizon today announced that they are the first carrier to complete the specification of their 5G data radio. The company had been testing 5G connectivity in limited capacity a few months ago, however the completion of their radio specification allows them to move forward with pre-commercial testing. This gives them the ability to deploy an actual network scenario of 5G data deliverance.

As such, the company has hit the ground in New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Texas with a series of new tests. The actual 5G standard still has yet to be fully defined, but this allows chipset makers, carriers, and all other relevant players to start testing the technology and help bring it to consumers faster.

The goal of 5G data is to not only significantly increase bandwidth throughput compared to 4G (in the range of 10 gigabits per second), but also to bring super-low latency to ensure smooth network access. In short, it would help eliminate a lot of the lag, hiccups, and buffering you tend to encounter from time to time.

Unfortunately, there’s still no clear idea when 5G will be ready. 3GPP — the group which defines the mobile data standard — only has “by 2020” as a tentative timeline, however Verizon has expressed interest in getting actual deployment going at some point by 2018.

[via Verizon]

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