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Google Search and Play Music will display song lyrics thanks to partnership with LyricFind

Starting today, Google Search and Google Play Music will begin displaying lyrics without needing to navigate to another website. This comes after a partnership between LyricFind, the world’s largest lyric licensing service, Google.

LyricFind, the world’s largest lyric licensing service, has partnered with Google to expand lyric offerings. Adding lyrics from over 4,000 publishers to Google’s search results and within Google Play Music, LyricFind now provides licensing for lyrics displayed in Google’s search results as well as in the music app.

The feature is available via Google search starting today, and will display a portion of the lyrics before displaying a link to view the “Full lyrics on Google Play.” Once selected, users will be redirected to the Google Play Music application where the full lyrics will be displayed, as well as an option to listen to listen the song of choice.

Being able to provide lyrics directly within search results essentially turns Google into the de facto source for music and lyrics. No longer will users need to tap through a few different websites just to get the lyrics that they are looking for, instead, the lyrics will be displayed within the Google Search and Google Play Music.

[via LyricFind]

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