
Google Search now shows details and related conditions about symptoms you search for

Google today announced a new improvement to their Knowledge Graph for Google Search. Now, when searching for symptoms you’ll be presented with more information about what’s keeping you down, including related conditions, causes or diseases.

Of course, that alone is nothing new — WebMD has been falsely diagnosing folks with cancer for years now — but combined with Google’s existent functionality of showing information about specific conditions, this will save a lot of people some time and headache when hunting down the cause of their illness.

As always, don’t try to diagnose yourself using this stuff, and don’t treat yourself based on anything you read. Real doctors exist for a reason — they know a lot more than we do about this stuff (and they can run exhaustive tests to be sure). That said, it’s a nice tool for those who just want to get a quick idea of what nastiness is attacking them on any given day.

Google says this is rolling out to mobile over the next few days, though it’ll only be available for folks in the US speaking the English language for now. Plans for further expansion of both languages and region availability are in the works.

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