
IDC: Wearables sales to double by 2020

The wearables market has been growing steadily over the past few years. Smartwatches are sleeker and faster than ever and you can get a pretty decent fitness tracker for the price of four Big Mac meals. But how much more can the product category grow? According to the latest report from IDC, the wearables segment is expected to grow 29% in 2016 with sales surpassing 101 million units. Growth will start to taper off, but IDC predicts that the wearables segment will sustain an annual growth rate of  20.3% by the time we reach 2020. By then, at least 213 million wearables will be sold each year.

In 2016, the watch segment accounts for 41.8% for all wearables sales, but that percentage is expected to increase to 52.1% by the time 2020 rolls around. Unfortunately, IDC has not share numbers regarding which operating system would be powering the watches, but the report does disclose that “growth will come from basic watches that provide some sort of fitness/sleep tracking while not being sophisticated enough to run third party applications on the watch itself.”

Do you think advances in display, battery and processor technologies will allow Android Wear to be the dominant platform for wearable in 2020?


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