
WhatsApp is the World’s most used messaging app and it’s not even close


We have changed the way we message our friends, family and coworkers, and use these different services to reach those closest to us, or to interact with complete strangers. With tons of different messaging platforms available, like WhatsApp, Hangouts, Telegram and more, the question could be posed as to what app is used the most.

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According to a report from Similar Web, they went through all the data and found that across the globe, WhatsApp is by far the most popular messaging app, and the gap between first and second isn’t even close. Across 187 countries, WhatsApp accounts for 109 of those or 55.6%, with Facebook Messenger coming in second at 49 countries.

The Most Popular Messaging App in Every Country

  1. WhatsApp
  2. Facebook Messenger
  3. Viber
  4. Line
  5. WeChat
  6. Telegram
  7. KakaoTalk
  8. imo
  9. Zalo
  10. BBM
  11. ChatOn

It’s not surprising that WhatsApp is the most popular, considering its versatility and how long the service has been around. Plus with an impending video call feature on the way, this app is the way that most of the world will continue to communicate with one another. What is surprising is when you consider that Facebook purchased WhatsApp back in 2014, Facebook owns the majority of messaging apps used around the world.

A little fun tidbit about this report comes in regards to BBM. BlackBerry Messenger is still the primary means of communication for just one country in the world, Indonesia, so maybe BlackBerry’s not dead just yet. /s

What app or service is your favorite to use when communicating across the interwebs? Drop us a line below and let us know.

Download on Google Play: WhatsApp Messenger

[via Similar Web]

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