Nexus 9 DSC07273

HTC confirms the Nexus 9 has officially been retired

It’s been almost a full month since the Nexus 9 was taken off the virtual shelves of the Google Store. If that wasn’t a big enough hint that the tablet had officially been retired, HTC has finally confirmed that they’re no longer producing any new units.

After launching back in October of 2014, the Nexus 9 had good run. It was replaced last September by Google’s own Pixel C which we saw launch last September at $500 for the 32GB model. According to HTC, it wasn’t an issue of demand — the Nexus 9 had simply completed its manufacturing run, so there you have it.

Even though you wont find them on the Google Store, those who had your heart set on picking up a Nexus 9 will find some still in stock on HTC’s website, where the 16GB WiFi is currently being sold for $400, 32GB WiFi for $480, or the 32GB 4G LTE model for $600.

Buy from HTC: Nexus 9

[via CNET]

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