
Dark Sky for Android hits the Play Store with its up-to-the-minute weather predictions

Whenever someone makes the switch from iOS to Android, one of the first things you do is to try to find all the applications that have been developed for both platforms. Usually, you can find most of them, but there are some niche apps that just don’t go both ways. So when an app makes its way from iOS to Android, I usually jump on the train and do a little dance. Dark Sky is the name of the latest app to make its way to Android from iOS and brings an awesome and unique way to get your weather forecast on the go.

Dark Sky is the end-all-be-all for weather apps, and offers more information about the weather that I never thought I would need or want to know. The app offers “hyperlocal” weather forecasts, which means that you get down to the minute information about exactly when you’ll need to break out the umbrella, or if you can leave it at home.

Dark Sky uses state-of-the-art technology to predict when it will rain or snow, down to the minute, at your exact location: we deliver hyperlocal forecasts, not just for your city or state, but right where you’re standing. Whether it’s rain starting in 13 minutes, or a snow storm this weekend, we’ll give you the detailed information you need.

What makes Dark Sky unique is that you can set custom notifications to let you know when precipitation is in the area and an approximate time frame as to when the rain or snow will start. This allows for you to properly plan before you even head out for the day, and make sure that you are prepared for all weather situations that may arise. Sure, you could just look outside and see what’s happening, but where’s the fun in that, and how do you know that it won’t rain later in the day even if it’s bright and sunny when you leave?

There are even some awesome features that allow you to look at weather from the past, or view the globe to see what’s happening with the weather in other parts of the world. Additionally, if there’s something going on in another region of the US, you can easily pull up the radar for that area and check out what’s happening.

Dark Sky is free but includes a Premium option to turn on the hyperlocal forecasts, including widgets and customizable notifications for just $2.99 per year. The developers are also including a two-week free trial to let users see if Dark Sky Premium is for them. So hit the download link below and let us know what you think about Dark Sky in the comments section.

Download on Google Play: Dark Sky – Hyperlocal Weather

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