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Turn your big idea into a successful Android app with this book by Google

It seems like every other day I’ve got a friend, family member, or acquaintance pitch me on the next great app or game idea, only to reach the inevitable question: how do I turn it into an Android app? There are usually only two options:

  1. Become an Android developer and build it yourself
  2. Pay for someone to build it for you

The fact that the question was asked in the first place suggests the asker can’t build it themselves and isn’t likely to learn. That means there are an awful lot of people in the precarious position of outsourcing Android development to an individual developer or company.

Before you start that process, make sure the app or game is truly a great idea and is viable. You may have a lot of yes men in your corner cheering you on, but trust me, you don’t want to end up as the William Hung of the Android world. Ask someone who won’t contain their criticism. Ask someone who will completely bash your idea as idiotic if it is so deserving of that moniker. Go ahead. Do that now.

Still think your big idea will make an amazing Android app? Ready to outsource the Android development? You’re in luck because Google has just published a 116 page book to help you get your app built and make it successful. You can download it from the Play Store or download the PDF.

The book is called, “The Outsourcing Playbook” and is supposed to be “A Companion to The Secrets to App Success on Google Play”. It’s a thorough and interesting read, suitable not just for the random Joe with an app idea, but anyone currently residing in the Android app ecosystem. Riddled throughout you’ll find great links to even more resources like the Google’s own The Secret to App Success on the Google Play Source.

[Via AF News]

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