
Twitter’s Connect tab gets vastly-improved recommendations


Twitter is constantly trying to update its home-baked app to create a better experience for everyone, and have kind of put themselves in a corner to do so. With its highly-controversial token limit, Twitter is dedicating itself to creating a better mobile experience. The company has just released an update to fall in line with that approach.

The latest update to the Twitter app brings an updated Connect tab which allows users to easily interact and view recommended users that you should check out or follow.


From this updated Connect tab, you can now easily find your friends through your contacts and can also view recommended users based on who you are already following. The Twitter app has already had this ability built-in, but the new update aims to make it a bit easier to get great content on your timeline. The company will use an algorithm which takes into account who you’re following, what you’ve liked, what’s popular in your area and more to determine who they should recommend.

The update has already been pushed out to the masses, so you should see it arrive on your device within the next few days.

Download on Google Play: Twitter

[via Twitter]


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