HTC-10 (1)

64GB HTC 10 won’t be heading to the US

Following in Samsung’s footsteps, HTC has revealed that the 64GB HTC 10 will not be available in certain markets. One of those markets is the United States. That means your only storage option for buying an HTC 10 will be in 32GB flavor.

That much was revealed by Jeff Gordon — senior PR manager at HTC — on Twitter. The man followed up quickly to remind folks that the microSD card slot inside the HTC 10 will support “Flex Storage,” otherwise known as adoptable storage. This means you can use your microSD card for storing apps and games instead of just files and multimedia.

It’s a nice compromise, but some suggest there should never be any compromise at all. We get why internal storage is preferred — it’s more reliable and it could be faster. That said, if you’re buying a quality Class 10 microSD card with decent transfer speeds from a quality manufacturer, there shouldn’t be so big of a difference that it’ll affect your day-to-day.

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