Sony Xperia Ear, Eye, Agent and Projector — a closer look at Sony’s Bourne-like future [Eyes-On]

Beyond the new Xperia X line, Sony had some other products to reveal this week. It’s the Xperia Eye, Xperia Ear, Xperia Projector and Xperia Agent, a series of tools aimed to change the way you can communicate. We got a quick look at the prototypes Sony had for these things at Mobile World Congress, but they’re too early in development to be able to show them off in full force.

Sony Xperia Ear

It’s an earpiece! And one with a cool little carrying case, at that. The Xperia Ear goes into your ear like any other Bluetooth earpiece, but it’s used for more than just talking to friends and family hands-free.

Sony will develop a virtual assistant who can automatically read to you the time, incoming notifications, messages, email, news and info about incoming calls. You can also request something from it using your voice, if you so wish. Virtual assistants and voice activation are nothing new, of course, but Sony’s goal is to make it seamless, easy and pain-free.

Sony Xperia Eye

This wide-angle camera clips onto your clothing or something like a bike or helmet. It lets you take video of whatever’s in front of you, and its lens is designed to show the viewer everything as if they’re viewing it through their own eyes.

Sony Xperia Projector

This is probably the coolest idea of them all. The Xperia Projector uses real-world surfaces to project images and information, but it takes things a step further by letting you use those surfaces as the UI to control it all! For instance, you can tap a missed call alert on the all to return said call right then and there.

Sony Xperia Agent

The Xperia Agent is a home hub that features a rotating camera, a two-way microphone and speaker system, and a display. It seems the speaker can recognize you when you walk into the house and opt to turn your lights on when it knows you’re home. It could alert you to incoming calls and notifications, or you could probably tell it to start your coffee for the morning. The concept isn’t too new, but this is definitely one of the cooler-looking implementations of it.

When does the future get here?

That’s a difficult question to answer. Sony is only guaranteeing that the Xperia Ear and Xperia Agent will see the light of day, something they say to expect as soon as Summer 2016. The Xperia Eye and Projector, on the other hand, are still being called “concepts” and they’re not close enough to confirm that these will ever become reality. We understand the need to be cautious about that Projector, but there’s no good reason the camera can’t make its way into a real product box (aside from the

We understand the need to be cautious about that Projector, but there’s no good reason the camera can’t make its way into a real product box (aside from the fact that it really isn’t that interesting and probably not worth the R&D dollars). Be sure to get a closer look at each of the products in our photos above, and watch Sony’s original introduction video to get a vivid vision of how they’ll work.

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