Google today detailed a change to Inbox by Gmail that makes search results much smarter. The app will now attempt to show you the information you’re searching for in a cleaner and faster way instead of leaving you to dig through piles of email.
For instance, searching for info about an upcoming flight, a scheduled package delivery, an online purchase and more will bring you the information you see in a nice easy-to-digest card. Google will also show top related email below that in case it didn’t pick out the right information. Of course, if you really want to dig deep you can still thumb through the full results yourself.
If this sounds familiar to you, it’s because Google has actually been testing these features in Inbox for the past few months for a wide range of users, but today they’re greenlighting the changes for everyone. The changes look to be a server-side update, so you should start to see them in your app even if there’s no actual update available.
[via Google]