Spotify and Genius are teaming up to bring something very awesome for music fanatics like myself. The duo has announced a series of playlists (the first is called Behind the Lyrics Hip Hop, and the next one will be Behind the Lyrics Hits) with songs that give you a visual story about the lyrics you’re listening to.
For any given song in the playlist, Spotify will show Tweets, fun facts, annotations and stories about the lyrics, including references from not only the hive mind known as the Genius community, but also the artists themselves. It’s a great way to learn more about the deep songs out there where the meaning isn’t painfully obvious from the offset.
Barring full-on Genius integration (get it done, Spotify!), this is a pretty nice way to present lyrics directly into a music app, and we can’t wait to try it. Unfortunately those of us in Android land will have to wait, as Spotify has once again decided to snub the platform and let iOS fans in on it first. We’ll keep our eyes (and ears) open for word on its Android launch, though, so stay tuned.
[via Spotify]