
Get a free Star Wars Google Cardboard from the Play Store



Hurry! There’s not much time. Google is currently giving away the special Star Wars Google Cardboard for free in the Play Store. These are the same ones that Verizon was recently giving away at stores. You can get Kylo Ren, BB-8, Storm Trooper, or R2-D2. Choose wisely, because they are limited to one per person. We don’t know how much longer these will be in stock. GO GO GO!

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UPDATE: And just like that they are gone.

UPDATE 2: Some people have had success with refreshing the page over and over until the green “FREE” button appears.

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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