Another great deal on an Android development courses is on tap from Android Area. This collection of courses, with nearly 60 hours of instruction, normally costs over $600, but today’s deal brings it down to $29. That’s a whopping 95% discount, and one you should definitely take advantage of if you’re looking to get into Android development.
At the end of this course you will understand the tools and skills necessary to create and submit your very own Android apps and games right into the Google Play store. That ought to be enough hands-on training to get any budding developer well on their way to creating the app they’ve always wanted. Here’s what you get:
1 Learn Android Lollipop Development (& Marshmallow!) $199 Value 2 The Complete Java Developer Course $197 Value 3 Learn How to Reskin, Upload & Publish an Android Game $97 Value 4 Play Framework Development with Java $97 Value 5 Reskin Games for App Stores–No Coding Required $67 Value